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OpenStack software platform has long become a de facto standard in the private cloud market. However, its cost efficiency and flexibility also accounts for the increasing number  of deployments in the Public clouds. OpenStack also currently has over 40 Million cores in Production and its current Public Cloud footprint is in excess of more than 300 Data Centers throughout the world. According to  Market Research Future, OpenStack has been growing at the compound annual growth rate of 29% and to reach staggering $8 billion by 2023.


Out team has been involved into some of the largest OpenStack projects like BT Galaxy and DT NIMs in different roles and therefore capable of leading throughout the complete deployment cycle. We can provide out services to build bare metal OpenStack platform or vendor specific implementations like RedHat TripleO or Charm-based from Canonical 



Conceptual model design

This is the information gathering stage the result of which is reflected in the high-level OpenStack classes definitions. In summary, this is a list of projects, corresponding roles 

( i.e Keystone, identity management and federation services) and their relationship.


Physical design and implementation

This is physical implementation of the logical model design. The outcome of the design stages is a highly scalable architecture capable of running cloud-native and cloud-ready applications 


Logical model design 

Provides the details of relationship and dependancies between different components of the cloud architecture. Architectural decisions such as type and number of networks, storage type are made at this stage


Performance optimisation

All high level architectures are alike; every small level implementations are unique in its own way. At this stage we pay close attention to a small details like linux network stack performance tuning 

to, for instance, accomodate the details of SR-IOV vs DPDK s Kernel implementations.

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